Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I just got two compliments BAM BAM right in a row. Mailroom guy (who is always obvious about how much he appreciates the frequency of my visits. ...Hey! When you are entry level, you spend a lot of time mailing crap, OK!?) gave me the usual nervous treatment but then threw in a "You have really cool eyes" (BAM!). I'm impressed! He clearly had been planning the line... note the use of "cool" instead of "pretty". This makes an overused and somewhat barfy compliment a little more unique and therefore acceptable. I thanked, we FedExed, I left, he swooned... but then! Then! I was walking to the elevator, not two seconds later, when very-nice-but-older-security-guard-who-loves-american-idol-with-me tells me.. "You look... like... really beautiful." (BAM!)

*sigh. I really appreciate the double-prizes afternoon but I must say... I really don't understand how people are so easily fooled. I do not have what one would call a "classically beautiful face". I could stand to lose a few pounds. I count my armpit fat in my cup-size because if I didn't I would have to order bras from specialty shops for pre-teens. You get the picture.

What I do have is ALL the bells-and-whistles. We're talking long blond hair, green eyes, a working knowledge of pencil skirts, and a passion for really high heels. All together, the "on paper" sizzlers that I just described pretty much fool EVERYONE! I'm sure in a place a little hipper than Rhode Island I wouldn't get a second look, but here in Providence I am the CAT'S MEOW, I tella you! But I suppose when you work in a place where most women favor the "one-inch square-heeled loafer", a high heel really is that exciting.

All I'm saying is... I guess you don't have to be smokin' hot to be smokin' hot.

1 comment:

S said...

I must comment. Why the muther F'in F do people insist on wearing those f'ing crap one in square heel shoes? Payless should be blown up, along with the T-J Maxx shoe department, and also large large sections of Macy's. Here's a tip. Why don't you spend $100 less a year on those damn safe "sweater sets" and buy just one pair of real leather HEELS. REAL GROWN-UP HEELS LIKE YOUR MAMA USE TO WEAR WHEN SHE WAS HOT. And maybe your husband will love you again. I'm a hater of the square heel. -The cranky bitch.