Monday, June 30, 2008

It says a lot...

... that my first bouquet of flowers delivered to me in corporate life is from my VP and not a man-friend.

In case you haven't heard (or in Whitney and Caitlin's case, you weren't forced to drink three bottles of wine in celebration with me on Thursday... thanks TF's), we had a major breakthrough with our brand work last week (should also mention here that is why I have been MIB [missing in blog] for a week). Long story short, we presented for a team of 20 corporate leaders to get their final ya or nay on whether they would support our brand recommendation as we moved it up the ladder. They voted in support... 100% unanimous support. And it felt good. Really good. Almost as good as getting flowers from a corporate executive at your company because of it. Especially good because I felt that I played a legitimate role in getting us there; I wasn't just a sidelines player.

Anyways, perhaps it is telling that these flowers are not from a potential love-ya-long-time suitor, but (hopefully) from a potential hire-ya-big-time suitor. Either way, I am just going to be really happy for myself that I am making progress in my career in a big way. I will just have to believe my TF's when they tell me to relax and trust the rest will fall into place.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

you're amaaaazingggg