Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I fell asleep.

The title is actually relevant to many things going on in my life right now. Primarily, it means that I fell asleep before Caitlin's entry was done last night (it also falls into other categories such as "excuses I've been given recently" and "things I do on my couch"). After a ridiculous morning at work, I finally got some time to waste at 11 a.m. (aka now) and was delighted to see:

a) The subtitle regarding our need to entertain each other
b) My semi-nudity was involved (I was simply demonstrating how the elastic band on my "old flame stolen man shorts" was completely shot and they kept falling off. And of course I made Caitlin watch a full demonstration of this.)
c) We are bloggers!

I am becoming many new things lately. I have most recently become:
A blogger
A runner (seriously!)
A roommate
A dater
A former restaurant worker
A mother (...jk)

And I agree with shorty that the title of this blog will probably become increasingly relevant as the summer progresses. In fact, allow me to illustrate with a simple graph:

As you can see, our laziness will increase as the summer goes on while our value to society slowly declines. Nudity sees a drastic peak in August, but tapers off as autumn rolls around. Come September, it seems our laziness will plateau, but the damage will have been done and there really is no saving our value to society. All may be lost.

(Reminder: Do stuff related to job ASAP.)

OK, gotta run... I'm getting a call right now from some professors at Brown who apparently want to use my chart above for some major research initiatives. It seems I've uncovered some breakthrough scientific connections between nudity and laziness.



Caitlin said...

so, SO hard not to bust out laughing while reading this in an inappropriate location. at least inappropriate on my first day i think.

S said...

I am a researcher at CalTech studying the laziness of red-assed baboons in the Congo. As you must recognize, there are many similarities between red-assed jungle baboons and recent college grads. Would it be possible to obtain your raw data for your chart? -Professor Winebottom.